Lifestyle & wellness  | 2021-07-06

The warmer weather has us jumping for joy, and after being cooped up during the colder months we may be a little quick to get outside without taking the necessary precautions to protect ourselves from the heat and sun. Apartment dwellers, make sure your health is your wealth this summer by following these 5 tips this summer. 

Keep your apartment cool

Minimalist apartment with fan

Not all apartments have central air (but if you’re looking for one that does, check out some of our options) and depending on where you live, some may not allow window air conditioning units. There are a few ways you can keep your apartment cool without air conditioning: 

Close your blinds: It may be nice to let in that summer sunshine, but did you know that sun beaming into your apartment accounts for 25% of the heat you’re experiencing? When it’s at the sunniest, close your blinds for a few hours to keep out as much heat as possible. 

Rotate ceiling fans counter-clockwise: This allows the air to flow downward toward you, creating better air flow. 

Weather strip your windows: It’s not just for winter! If you live in an older building that tends to have air leaking through tiny cracks in the windows, weather stripping may be your solution. You can find inexpensive options at your local hardware store or on Amazon.

Use your appliances at night: No need to create unnecessary heat in your home during the day. If you can, run appliances like your washer, dryer, dishwasher and oven at night. This will also save you a few dollars on your energy bill by using them off peak hours!

Try a dehumidifier: In Canada, we know that the humidity can be intense in summer. Consider placing a dehumidifier in your apartment to suck out the unwanted humidity. You can even get one that both humidifies and dehumidifies so you can use it all year long!  

Use a portable fan: Create better air flow around your space. 

o Hack: Placing a bowl of ice or ice packs in front of your fan can assist in creating a chilly breeze. 

Turn on your bathroom fan: This will assist in keeping air flow constant while sucking out unwanted humidity. 

Consider a “chill” pillow: Did you know you can buy pillows that have cooling gel in them? These will help you regulate your body temperature while you sleep. 

Open your windows at night: As the sun goes down it tends to get cooler. Keep your windows open at night to change the air in your apartment. 

Get rid of those incandescent bulbs: These older bulbs create more heat than we realize. Consider switching to fluorescent bulbs if you can. You can even get ones you can control with your phone.

Set up your fan in the right location: Since fans are used to create air flow not actually cool the air, place them in cooler spots in your home so it circulates the cool air to the warmer areas. 

Stay hydrated

Girl drinking water on the beach

This one may seem obvious, but it’s something we often forget in the summer. With super hot temps, it’s a must to stay hydrated at all times with some of these tips: 

Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning: Kick-start your hydration with a big glass of water before you do anything else. It’s great for your metabolism. 

Add fruit to your water: For extra hydration and a yummy treat.

Brew tea and keep it in the fridge: Nothing better than a delicious glass of iced tea! Try to add as little sugar as possible and a squeeze of lemon for extra flavour. 

Keep a bottle of water with you: If you see it, you’re more likely to drink it. Add ice so it stays cool all day.

Drink a glass of water with every meal: It’s just that easy, and aids with digestion. 

Add Hydralyte to your water: Keep dehydration at bay with all-natural electrolytes that get fluids to your bloodstream quicker than water and also taste delicious!

Use a reminder app: There are great hydration apps to help remind you to drink water throughout the day. 

Wear sunscreen 

Aloe vera plant

People often neglect to put sunscreen on if they think they won’t be outside for long periods or it’s a cloudy day. Any time you leave the house for more than 15-20 minutes and you’ll be in the sun, it’s best to put on even a thin layer of sunscreen to protect yourself from the suns harsh UV rays. This means putting it on even if you’re just going to sit outside on your balcony for your morning coffee.

Tip: Sunburnt? Consider keeping aloe plants. They’re easy to find and usually inexpensive. Plus, they’re easy to care for, look great and work amazing to take the sting out of a sunburn with their cooling gel.

Don’t forget your exercise

Girl doing yoga outside

The summer heat can zap energy, making it hard to feel motivated to keep up your exercise routine. Even if it’s hot outside, try to get even light exercise to keep your mind and body in tiptop shape:

Go for a daily walk

Bring a yoga mat to a park and om in the shade

Swim at the neighbourhood pool (or building pool if you’re lucky enough to have one!)

Turn anywhere into a gym, like monkey bars in the park!

o Don’t forget: If you’re exercising outside, a big bottle of water and sunscreen are a must.

Enjoy the outdoors every chance you get

Outdoor picnic

Winters in Canada are oh-so long. This is your time to make the most of the summer months and spend as much time outside as possible. The sun’s vitamin D can be healing and rejuvenating, and naturally produces chemicals in your brain that make you happy, so soak it all up while you can – even if it’s just a few minutes here and there on your balcony or on your apartment buildings terrace.

Like we said, your health is your wealth! Take time for yourself this summer to focus on your wellness and make sure that you stay hydrated, use your sunscreen, exercise, keep cool and get outside. Enjoy summer in all its glory because winter is lurking just around the corner. 

Have great tips to share on how to stay active and hydrated this summer? Let us know!